Cheap Manual Driving Lessons Compare
This list will save you a lot of work finding driving schools to provide manual driving lessons. The information is subject to driving schools’ change. Lowest price is as of the time we visit their websites. We will endeavor to make sure the information is up to date. Driving schools are welcome to contact us if any information in the list is incorrect.
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Manual or Automatic driving lessons?
A lot of learners wonder if they should go for manual or auto lesson. While majority people will go for automatic lessons since it is easier to learn. But in some cases you better go for manual lessons. There are many reasons for that. In some states like VIC and NSW, you are not allowed to drive manual cars if you get your license by learning automatic cars. If you can drive manual cars, you have more opportunities at work. If you are offered a manual car at work and you did manual driving lessons, you can use the car straight away. On the other hand, it is more fun to drive a manual car by changing gear etc. Some people say manual car can save more patrol, but with today’s technology, there is not much difference in this prospect. However it is always cheaper to buy a manual car than auto.